The Algorithm of Unforgettable Moments

Introducing my latest literary translation, The Algorithm of Unforgettable Moments, by Hélène Balvay: a story of love, loss and unforgettable moments.

Book Review:

On every page, there’s a form, a shape, a silhouette. Simple ones and complex, curvy ones. These shapes and forms make up the algorithm of a life. Of several lives, entangled and woven together into an extraordinary network of love, loss, and growth. This is the Algorithm of Unforgettable Moments.

Early in the book, we meet Eva Chase, a typical teenager with a conventional upbringing in the American Midwest. We’re guided through the usual American experience, from puppy love to flying the nest, the college years and self-discovery, until a breakthrough idea leads her and her three best friends to invent the most innovative and complex social media algorithm the world has ever seen.

When Eva’s world comes crashing down, and she’s forced to break all ties with everything she knows, she finds solace in the French countryside, where life is slow, easy, and forgiving. It’s here that she learns to breathe again, to just be Eva… until a stranger uncovers her secret and seduces her into an intoxicating love affair.

But are the shadows of her past really gone? 

Balvay’s knowledge of complicated tech concepts and her ability to give them life within the context of fiction is extraordinary. The fact that the code includes an exhilarating love story (several love stories, in fact) just makes it all the more difficult to put the book down.

We’re left wondering: do our lives follow a pre-set algorithm? Do we lead them based on a simple set of instructions or are we the authors of our fate? Can we change our path as we go, rearranging the code of our existence? Or do the events of our lives simply line up for our highest good in the end?

The Algorithm of Unforgettable Moments is a fascinating narrative with contemporary concepts and trusted elements of love and romance. Generation Z readers will adore the references to social media and tech, while readers of all ages will get lost in Eva’s journey of love, disappointment, and forgiveness.

Grab the French copy on Amazon here:

Cynthia Pecking