In my 14+ years as a translator, my work has drawn from every crayon in the box... biology to hospitality, clinical trials to museum and gallery exhibition texts, tourism and government documents; I see it as one extraordinary patchwork quilt.

I adore the colorful breadth of my work. Here are few of the ways I have collaborated with past clients.

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Female Artists

Translation of a French exhibition on female artists, designed to give visibility to Canadian women in the arts, to celebrate nearly 9,000 works spanning history and to put a fresh spin on the formation of artists both known and not yet discovered.

Translation Excerpt:

The exhibition will unveil a corpus of 150 works. In the cogs of decolonization, discourse and the new, more inclusive museology, the [museum] will adopt an openly critical position, wishing to debunk the prejudices and gaps inherent in its collection, with regard to its religious and man-made history. Echoing its policy on recent collections, which is directed toward the acquisition of works by female artists, the [museum] hopes that this exhibition will increase the visibility of women in the visual arts and will foster knowledge about them. The collection will be showcased through a counter-history that is already guiding its present and future.



Series of blog entries for Friedreich Hospitality in Vienna

Posts cover a variety of topics, from business optimization and brand identity to the guest experience and highlights of Austria’s most extraordinary regions, events, hotels and restaurants.

Translation Excerpt:

Our trip through Austria begins in the westernmost state where countless hidden treasures await you, all of which can be easily reached from the area around Lake Constance. What has brought me back to this piece of countryside for many years is the FAQ Festival in the Bregenz Forest. Inspiring personalities, conversations on philosophy, business, art, handicrafts, media and many other topics, good food, great music and this year’s five-year anniversary celebration convinced me to come back yet again in 2020 and to expand my horizons.

A few miles away from the exciting festival, I enjoy one of the numerous, wonderful hotels in the Bregenz Forest, which is among my favorite regions in Austria. I feel particularly at home in the family-run Hotel Gretina in Bezau. It has everything I expect from a great hotel; it’s authentic, cozy and friendly and an excellent value for the money. Also in Bezau, but high up on the mountain, I like to stop at the Jagdgasthaus Egender. Here, they’ve got everything you need to power down for a while: a shoddy cellular network, the stunning mountains, pure nature and (above all) the best cheese spaetzle in all of Austria. In the neighboring municipality of Bizau, it is worth stopping by Edith’s. This elegant boutique has everything ladies love: colorful dishes, home goods in Scandi-style and loads of pretty doodads.


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The Power of Mind Management & Cold Therapy

Book by Austrian author Sonja Flandorfer about the power of harnessing our own thoughts and the transformative effects of cold therapy, about overcoming core beliefs and trusting in the cues that are sent by our bodies and minds throughout our lives.

Book intro, written by me, for the launch:

As a self-proclaimed overthinker, Sonja Flandorfer spent her first 40 years judging and doubting, second-guessing and double-checking until a major health scare, the loss of a dear friend, and a few chance encounters sent her on a whirlwind journey of self-discovery, and into some very icy waters.

Inspired by the teachings of Manfred Winterheller and Wim Hof, The Iceman, Sonja learned to use the power of her mind and the faith in her heart to transform her own life and the lives of countless others. 

This book offers a whole new outlook on the hamster wheel we all call life. Damaging core beliefs, endless What Ifs, fear of failure, fear of the unfamiliar... who knew it could be so easy to ditch it all?

If you’re tired of the analysis paralysis, this book is for you.
But a word of warning: it just might end with a very cold shower... and I don’t mean the sexy kind.

As Sonja would say: Commit! Trust! And Keep on Cooling!

Available on Amazon here.


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Raimund Abraham Exhibition

German exhibition for a museum in Vienna on the fascinating works of Raimund Abraham, an Austrian-American architect and artist, who saw architecture in close connection with art, philosophy, literature, and film. The translation project included wall texts, a manifesto, object descriptions and press texts.

Translation Excerpt:

Abraham himself spoke of “imaginary architecture,” (unrealized) “projects,” and “executed buildings.” Based on his drawings as a stimulus for thought and the storyline of his architectural creations, the exhibition uses collages, models, and furnishings prototypes to showcase Abraham’s designs, projects, and architectural achievements, which explore the conflicting interplay between the individual and sociopolitical challenges of his time.